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英语单词超图解 (Life 人生篇)

pangzhenyu 04-12 18:23 阅读 我爱育娃
Unit 03 Life 人生 人一辈子总要经历生老病死,那么当我们跟外国朋友诉说这些经历时会用到哪些单词呢?一起去看一下吧! Item 1 出生 A 幼年 miscarriage [mɪs'kærɪdʒ] n.流产 fetus ['fiːtə

Unit 03

Life 人生


Item 1 出生

A 幼年

英语单词超图解 (Life 人生篇)

miscarriage [mɪs'kærɪdʒ]


fetus ['fiːtəs] n.胎儿

birth [bɜːθ] n.出生

childhood ['tʃaɪldhʊd]


★关于分娩的单词有: delivery/childbirth/parturition/labor/give birth to

Fun Facts 趣味常识

I got pregnant/conceived in May and my baby was born in February. I remember I had terrible morning sickness and especially prefer cheese and pickle sandwiches. I went into labour in the morning, my baby was born at 5 p.m. I didn't feel too much pain like other mothers. The doctor who cut the cord and put the baby in front of me said“Congratulations! It's a healthy baby boy! ”

我五月 怀孕 ,次年二月孩子 出生 。我记得我有很严重的 孕吐 ,而且特别偏爱奶酪和黄瓜三明治。我早晨开始 分娩 ,孩子到下午5点才出生。我并没有像其***妈那样感觉到太多的疼痛。医生剪断 脐带 ,把孩子放在我的面前,并说:“恭喜你!是个健康的男婴!”

B 青年

英语单词超图解 (Life 人生篇)

Small Talk 聊天

英语单词超图解 (Life 人生篇)

What's your dream in your young age?


英语单词超图解 (Life 人生篇)

Well, I hope I could strong enough to be a boxer.


C 老年

英语单词超图解 (Life 人生篇)

英语单词超图解 (Life 人生篇)

Small Sentence 小句子

When you are old , you will feel weak and lonely , because you retired and was single .

当你 老了 的时候,你会感觉既 虚弱 又 孤独 ,因为你 退休 了而且单身。

Item 2 死亡

英语单词超图解 (Life 人生篇)

英语单词超图解 (Life 人生篇)

★ pass away 过世;去世


A man can only die once.人的生命只有一次。

An idle youth, a needy age.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

Hope is life and life is hope.希望即生活,生活即希望。


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