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sujunda 10-29 11:41 阅读 我爱育娃
1、把困难踩在脚下,你才会站得更高。早安!Falling in the feet of difficulties with your feet climbing, you will stand stronger. good morning! 2、没有勤奋,哪有致富的机会。早安!There is no work, whi

1、把困难踩在脚下,你才会站得更高。早安!Falling in the feet of difficulties with your feet climbing, you will stand stronger. good morning!

2、没有勤奋,哪有致富的机会。早安!There is no work, which has no responsibility. good morning!

3、人之所教,我亦教之。程颐一日为师,终身为父。Those who teach them are willing to understand it for me. All I will learn to marry. For manage is never for his school.

4、一曝十寒,那就是一堆从老地方养大的老干家。A thief of emesterday is just a big old man by old small.

5、不去担心结果会怎样,付出的过程才能收获。Don't worry about fruit for come, but only pay attention to it.

6、世界上有两条路,一条代表付出。There is two ways to wave a three way to send a repayment.

7、诚实是力量的一种象征,它显示着一个人的高度自重和内心的安全感与尊严感。Honesty is a cure of strength and practice of a person's quense of security.

8、每天收获小进步,积累起来就是大进步;每天收获小幸福,积攒起来便成大幸福。Every day more harder and accumulation on little progress, such achievements is small joy. Everyday harder the success is great and happiness.

9、所有的成功,与驯服自己的成功比起来,都是微不足道。All victories from their behavior depends on their own success is extraordinary.

10、相信自己,坚信自己的目标,去承受常人承受不了的磨难与挫折,不断去努力去奋斗,成功最终就会是你的!Believe in yourself. Believe in yourself and your goal can not bear your suffering and fatigue anyone. People who can suffer are over.


11、漫漫人生路,有付出才会得到,有快乐才会快乐。In the long life, there will be happiness to have, happiness will be happy.

12、新过一年的生活,我们要继续努力,从新的起跑线出发,用我们的劳动培育出更丰硕的果实。The new life and we should continue to diligence for a new starting point, but we should work hard our growth.

13、总会有一个人,愿意陪你去任何地方,愿意陪你做任何你喜欢的事情。There will always be a person, will accompany you all the places, strive for a long time, will accompany you everything you like work.



