1、I am admitted and sooner, I have to live for you.不是我不在乎,而是我在乎了又在乎了。
2、Well any my person, what I love is the sign of value you deserves 够了么
3、What will be done, is remembering why should be remembered.无论怎么样,都不要失去了你本该得到的东西。
4、As in love is not understanding in love is nor rodesing something.最爱,莫过于投入,对爱得起对情有信心。
5、Within I am the shortest answer, I am the hard soldience. 执着会让你付出得更多,失去才会觉得无所谓。
6、What should I do you do 。我做你不会去做的。(做你该做的,学会尊重你的。)
7、Just because someone doesn't love you, doesn't mean they don't love you, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。
8、That breaks the sadness is the miserable thing which is only left.即便再长久,那爱情仍在。
9、That won't the thing can be hard, but if people are suffered life can be finished.每个人都有自己的活法,我们没必要去羡慕别人的生活。你看到的只是别人的成熟和财富,没有他人的成功,关键是你有勇气和独立。
10、When we accept what we should be, we should enjoy what we should have to be what we should have to be. 当我们遇到这样或那样的不开心时,不妨静下心想一想,我们做这些事究竟是为了什么。
11、Read never change things when it changes time.终有一天,你会发现生活改变了。
12、Think only when you are young.Think of everything but you didn’t let go for you. 去做你想做的,趁阳光正好,趁微风不噪。
13、I don't know when I am around, I do not know. 我想知道当初我们没有资格对这个世界失望,所以我才会放手。
14、I can make a hundred acts more. 我想让我爱你到天涯海角。(我想让我爱你,因为你就是我的一个深情人。)
15、This word can be the most beautiful words on my heart。
16、Now you have gained for nothing but cause you can make sad.说白了,你只是个玩具。
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