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sujunda 10-27 09:37 阅读 我爱育娃
1、希望我们干杯,抽刀成酒,从此不在。I hope we can have drunk into wine. Let's never be in the middle of the day. 2、别人怎样看你不重要,唯一重要的是你很喜欢真实的自己。How you are far and what y

1、希望我们干杯,抽刀成酒,从此不在。I hope we can have drunk into wine. Let's never be in the middle of the day.

2、别人怎样看你不重要,唯一重要的是你很喜欢真实的自己。How you are far and what you are unimportant you like.

3、允许自我放纵一次,哭一次,只一次......允许自我放纵一次,并允许自我放纵一次。It's just useless to rest. Please cry once again, cry once and let yourself rest on without age. Because you rest yourself.

4、要远离喧哗的骚动,在新的一天,不要萎靡不振了。Unable to forget the past, in the new day, don't already exhausted.

5、最好的爱情,是你和我,失去了一个,最好的人。The best love is that you and me, with the best person.


6、我,放荡不羁,无忧无虑,一身不好。I am in a hurry, indifferent, please don't be indifferent, so bad in a burn.

7、一辈子只爱一个人,并不丢人。Just love a person, not 丢人.

8、我不是不爱你了,而是放在心里会难过。I don't love you, but I will sad.

9、如果你因为错过太阳而哭泣,那么你也将错过星星了。If you are frost because it appears, you will miss the stars.

10、孤老的巷子里,我们一起走,一条街道两旁的景致,一本书,相约好友。A old woman's broad of your old 巷子口, walking by our road, road ahead of meeting small tables ages.


11、不在乎将来像谁在乎你会不会改变我在你心里的地位。No matter to like who hurt you about will not forget what is the position you are in your heart.

12、认识就够了,余生就算了。It's enough to know each other in the rest of my life For a lifetime.

13、想把世界最好的给你,却发现世上最好的是你;我不要不老的青春,只要一个盗不走的爱人。I want to give you the best to you, but in the world you love me; I don't want to be a long life, but in the world you can not go back.

14、我很爱你,所以即使世界上有比你高,比你瘦,比你温柔懂事的女孩,那都不关我的事。I love you very much, even if the world is high than you, she doesn't sweet you, but the girl who is gentle than you mature.



