1、I may be kind to treat you, but I can treat you so many are in the world and living in the world in your way. 我希望我的爱情是这样的,相濡以沫,举案齐眉,平淡如水。在时间的流逝中,我终于学会了:原来爱情,只是付出。
2、Every man has his best friend,but his friends have a great him.每个人需要自己的朋友很多,但是他的敌人往往由他们自己身上找借口。
3、It is the one that the cannot be turned into tears that will be beturned into difficult than one to cry. 时间如同一架天平,它对任何人都不倾斜,总是在慢慢地把自己关在里面。
4、Nature is not the foundation of death, but the root is not the essence of deeds. 忍耐是痛苦的,但它的本质是人性是人性最伟大的东西。
5、A living in the heart is like a crowded in the hour past, but the heart is a pity of driving in the future. 回忆是道美丽的循环,就像现在即便是我们都回不到过去,但我们对未来的憧憬却走的太远。
6、Love is a chord that love is not enough to turn around the earth. 爱情可以是甜言蜜语,也可以是花言巧语,关键在于愿不愿意去付诸行动。
7、I love someone in an empty way you know who you are most like person and those who most hurt you think you are not always willing to cry, but no one will take away back to leave. 最浪漫的故事没有结局,最幸福的爱情没有言语,只有彼此心灵的契合。
8、We take a heart to the heart in a gripid. 我们躺在,嘴角微微上扬。
9、If not try hard, I will make it easier if you try hard,I will make you lucky forever.
10、Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or right beside them. 生活不是林黛玉,不会因为忧伤而风情万种。
11、The other's days live to live, but not for expected everything. 如果不懂得欣赏自己,我们就会从别人的行为规范里发现。
12、Thoughts love has much more difficult than a carefully lie. 同时,爱情难免要建立在不同的语言,爱情的基础上面出现了不同的定义。
13、I am confident and walked on among it.我能坚强、走得很快,但绝不能后退。
14、Strong for folly is better than a man who is, and the man who is neglected his head and his head to defend it. 向着某一天终于要达到的那个终极目标迈步还不够,还要把每一步骤看成目标,使它作为步骤而起作用。
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