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sujunda 12-14 15:55 阅读 我爱育娃
以后遇到的人,也许会觉得我很物质,可是他们不知道,最初的我也是只求一心人的单纯姑娘,最后却落得个狼狈的下场。 The people I meet in the future may think that I am very material, but they d


The people I meet in the future may think that I am very material, but they don't know. At first, I was a simple girl who only wanted to be a single-minded person, but ended up in a mess.


Gradually found that staying up late is actually very sleepy, but the heart has been looking forward to, something concerned, it makes you feel that the next second may be a surprise, maybe I am used to loneliness, happy people never sleep late.



I still love you, but I won't like you any more. You are still beautiful to me, but I don't have the courage and strength to hug you. I can still accompany you, but this life is no longer for you.


Sometimes, we live very tired. It's not that life is too mean, it's that we are too easily infected by the external atmosphere and controlled by other people's emotions.



I am not old but gradually into the old life. I have no favorite stars, no favorite people. I go to bed and get up regularly every day. When I am not happy, I buy and buy. When I am happy, I watch TV plays. There are no waves and surprises in my life.

人一旦有了隔阂就真的走不近了,人可以说谎 但细节不会,爱是累积 不爱也是,当你不再是我半夜睡不着可以找的人,从你对我有所隐瞒的那天起,我开始明白一切都在慢慢变质。

Once people have a gap, they really can't get close. People can lie, but the details can't. Love is cumulative, not love is also, when you are no longer the person I can't sleep in the middle of the night, from the day you hide something from me, I began to understand that everything is slowly changing in quality.



Most of the things that need to wait too long are not what they wanted to be.

