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sujunda 11-21 16:12 阅读 我爱育娃
1、谁知曲终人散的夜晚,真的是把任何人都当作是过客 2、再见面的二月,三月你好的三月,藏着一份懂得,藏着一颗心。Goodbye in the face of swallowing, Bidang in March, there was a understand


2、再见面的二月,三月你好的三月,藏着一份懂得,藏着一颗心。Goodbye in the face of swallowing, Bidang in March, there was a understanding, carrying a heart.

3、三月的春风虽然不像冬天的风般凛冽激昂,虽然不如夏日的凉风般宜人,却让我们获得新一轮的生命与感悟。Spring breeze has not invited the wind and beautiful, although not terrible for the strong blow, it is also better than summer wind in winter, interpretation as if wear winter and sentences more than winter.

4、善待乏味的人,有可能到头来会为一个乏味的人工作。Used to throw tired things will have casually become a borious way for one's life.

5、三月里的小雨,淅沥沥的落了下来,像个从天上撒下来的音符。Stream understood in March, falling down from the sky, like a fulnote scattered.


6、生活有朝气,活得畅畅快快,工作讲求效率,做得踏踏实实。Life has the spirit, live flattery, live in a hurry. Only when you live well is sure of sooner and make your happy learning work.

7、阳光正好,春色正忙,你在远方,我过得一切如常。The sunshine is just right, the spring color is busy, I am busy in far away, what I have passed by, what I have has growed.

8、春天来了,带上宝宝跟随着春天的脚步出门踏青了。Spring comes come, take the coat with the children and soil.

9、陌上花开,君可缓缓归。Flowers bloom on the road, you can go.

10、春天到来,默默地想念大地,森林里蔓延出很多茂盛的绿芽。Spring comes, silently miss the grass and reading the seeds of the hillside of a tream, thunder the beach grass.


11、这是娃娃们的地方,久违的阳光,你说有阳光就会有温暖的阳光。This shore is a girl youth, you said there will be sunshine under light sunshine, you said there will be sunshine sunshine.

12、三月的桃花,如诗如画。桃花,楚楚动人。The peach blossom is like poempty. Cao, can not promise. The peach blossom, charming and the peach blossom.

13、草,是春天的信使,我给了爱,允诺它给了温暖。The grass is the messenger of spring, and I spread it to love it.


