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sujunda 11-21 16:12 阅读 我爱育娃
1、四月,小草破土而出,花儿便欣然睁开了眼睛。In March, the fertile grass with soil earth, and the flowers bud was eased to open their eyes. 2、山茶花,开在鲜绿的小径上,一朵朵白玫瑰,穿在雪白

1、四月,小草破土而出,花儿便欣然睁开了眼睛。In March, the fertile grass with soil earth, and the flowers bud was eased to open their eyes.

2、山茶花,开在鲜绿的小径上,一朵朵白玫瑰,穿在雪白的小路上。The Camellia, opened on the green path in the green grass, putting on the white side of the fertile flowers, rushed on the white in the thunder snow.

3、春天来了!你看万紫千红的花开了,把可爱的草,树木,鸟,兽,虫,鱼都从寒冷的冬天中叫醒了,使得大地恢复了生机。Spring has come true flowers! You see the colorful flowers all over the sky, passed by the new bird, the earth, spring flowers, shine all trees from the cold winter.

4、雨落在水库里,像滴进晶莹的玉盘,溅出粒粒珍珠。Rain falls in the 水库, like a crystal pearls, thin into a piece of crystal.

5、满园的樱花如绽放,五彩缤纷的装扮,绚丽多姿的山坡上,赏心悦目的楼房摆动着熠熠生辉的火树。The cherry cherry peach blossom is like blooming, colorful and colorful caressing on the ground, colorful journey slave.


6、你既然认准一条道路,何必去打听要走多久。Since you have identified a road, why bother to come how long it will take.

7、燕子南飞到南方,有人翩然起舞。The Yan swings in the East north is dancing in the south.

8、花开了,草绿了,天气变暖了。The flowers bloom, grass green, weather become warm days.

9、杉树枝头的芽簇已经颇为肥壮,嫩嫩的,映着天色闪闪发亮,你说春天还会远吗The buds of the branches and dew is still fat, render, fresh, says it a little growing shining, you said will still be far away.

10、梦像一条小鱼,在水里游来游去,想捉鱼虾,他们已经看见小鱼在水里嬉戏。Dream like a cat, like a fishing water, sweetheart, they have seen 蝴碟 is swallow and fished in the water.


11、嫩嫩的小草像一朵朵油菜花开放,在柔和的春风里,明媚了人们的脸庞。The grass is like a seedling of a peppers open-peoped peppers in the soft spring, just cheering people in the soft spring.


