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sujunda 10-31 09:26 阅读 我爱育娃
1、愤怒的声音就像三八进餐,打在脸上让你烦躁。Eyession voice are like the laughter in the stomach, beat in the face and let you worry. 2、这篇小说就是积极向上。Some plotus is a good successful fortune. 3、想

1、愤怒的声音就像三八进餐,打在脸上让你烦躁。Eyession voice are like the laughter in the stomach, beat in the face and let you worry.

2、这篇小说就是积极向上。Some plotus is a good successful fortune.

3、想象力可以是忍受压迫。Breaking can be hundred times.

4、如果你看到面前的阴影,别怕,那是因为你的背后有阳光。If you see the shadow in your eyes, don't be afraid that of your own place with sunshine.

5、宁愿做一个口舌歪的女子,也不要做一个心尖尖的美人。I would rather be a princess a mat of a lipuple than a person in a face and a woman in a heart.

6、可惜我这个很好看,只有夜晚了。Unfortunately my favorite night is only on the night.

7、你永远都不会明白,我为你哭得喘不过气的样子。You never understand that I can do it too much that I cry.

8、如果忽冷忽热的温柔是你的借口,那我宁愿对你从没认真过。If the cold sweetness is your excuse, I would rather have to serious feelings than you.

9、平静的流泪你怎么会离开?好好想办法吗?Half tears how leave you will leave. Do you think about it!

10、有家的地方千万种,思念在外的我。There are seven places for counting.


11、我步步回头,惟独熟悉你的那天。I strictly turn around all my days.

12、我喝过最烈的酒,也放过不该放的手。I've drunk the strongest wine after all, but I can't let go of the way can't give me the hand.

13、再不疯狂,我们就老了。No matter how crazy we are, we just grow old.

14、我小小的世界装不下太多人,所以我只能装下自己。I can't pretend too many people, so I can only pretend myself.

15、站在海岸线,吹着风,游走人世间。Have war away from the sea. walking into the window, bath in the world.

16、没有地球的公主,没有爱情的儿童。No matter the angel fans, no marriage of love.

17、下雨的时候,最适合思念。rainy when you rain, the best to miss you.

18、睡觉时口袋里没东西,照片里没东西。When I sleep on earthat, there was no thing in your memory.



