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sujunda 10-29 11:28 阅读 我爱育娃
1、空气,空气并不朦胧,人们读懂了地恋爱。The brain is not 缥缈 and shakes, and they pear who reads experience love. Many people taughters the lover of love. 2、不择手段自己到死,也不去抢夺别人的感情

1、空气,空气并不朦胧,人们读懂了地恋爱。The brain is not 缥缈 and shakes, and they pear who reads experience love. Many people taughters the lover of love.

2、不择手段自己到死,也不去抢夺别人的感情。Don't give ten to destroy their death, or do not want to pursue other feelings.

3、恋爱的时候我是个傻子,分手后我成了疯子。When love was young, I was a fool in crazy. After breaking up, I was a 疯子 crazy to grow up.

4、人生的刺,就在这里,留恋着不肯快走的,偏是你所不留恋的东西。The skin of life of life is worth it, comforting people are not what you want, it's what you don't want to easily is.

5、每次喝多了都特别想你,后来我发现,不喝多也特别想你。Every time I think I miss you, later I found that I thought I was very much I miss you.

6、我什么都得不到,但请你别想着我?I can't get it without me, but don't want to think of me

7、山有山的高度,水有水的深度。There are mountains and rivers in mountains, and the sea without water is squat without water.

8、你有得很好,一朝再向前走,就好。There is a good time, you have to go and go down, belongs to go.

9、千山万水都属于你,千万种也属于你。The thousands of mountains are homed for you.

10、爱是要等待的,有爱才有意义,爱是需要不断的付出,爱是需要你给的,你给的正是你应该得到的。Love is to wait, there is a sign of love, love is to give you, you give meaning to gain you, you gave for you.


11、淡淡的病痛,盖过青春的锥心。Sorrow burning sorrow burning, covered the heart of thin ambition.

12、爱你的人很多,我爱的人很少,可我爱的人只有一个。There are many people who love you less, but I love one person is very little and one.

13、把痛苦和悲伤留给自己,不要通过伤害你所爱的人来发泄心中的苦痛。Try and sorrow to ease yourself, don't be poor about your beauty in order to substate the pain in my life to express in my heart for what to stand it in my heart all the pain in my life.



