1、没有白费的努力,也没有碰巧的成功。There is no white effort hard to lose effort, there is no destiny uccess.
2、人的生命其实很脆弱,如陶瓷般易碎。People's life is very crowded, like bud flowers of pure.
3、我其实也想是一个人走在宇宙里,牧民安成一步步应到达的。I want to live to the cord of the universe in the and Cord is for the king of all the day.
4、人生一场,春天不一定艳阳天。Life is light of the sunshine of spring but never morning.
5、玫瑰象征爱情,但不同的人都喜欢玫瑰。But the beauty of love, are different people like frosy.
6、人的能量还不很大,那么让我眼前一亮。The vitality is not very big. It's so that I see it.
7、心里很空,那就是我想你了。In my heart, it's just where I miss you.
8、你要足够坚强,忍,莫若他人来帮助你。You have to be strong to be discouraged. If you are helpless others comfort you to help you.
9、用吃亏就是占便宜的心态。To suffer is to make up the mind of a smile.
10、不是没想过放弃,是不知道怎么了。It's not thought that I didn't know put down until I don't know how.
11、被爱的人是幸运的,可以受到爱。Those who are lucky people will be happy, can also be loved.
12、从挥霍到心思缜密,再到刻板的方向。From greedy to live, and then on the way of the temperature again.
13、我所理解的生活就是,和喜欢的一切在一起。I know what kindness is to be with it and everything with it is to be with you.
14、也许爱不是怀念,不是热烈,而是岁月,年深月久成了生活中的一部分。Maybe love is not a love. The shade of time is the flat in life.
15、我不是你的丈夫,为你的孩子而。I'm not your child men. For your children.
16、江之曲,岂诉情,只愿君心似我心。On the song, what to love, the heart is still the heart, and then I wish you are the heart.
17、不怕你知道我对你的甜言蜜语,不怕你记住我的名字。I dare to you know my lies and afraid you remember my name in my name.
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