Dont lose your mind over someone that doesn't mind if they lose you.
Your next chapter is going to cause some peole to wish they had treated you better.
People who start crying while expressing their feelings are the most innocent creatures on earth.so never hurt them.
If someone really loves you no matter how many other people they meet,their feelings for you won't change.
People don't realise how strength it takes to pll.yourself out of a dark place mentally.so if you 've done that today or any day,i'm proud of you.
If someone stays with you after you hurt them more than once,they truly love you.don't loose that and and treat right.
By the time they want to fix their bond with you,you won't even what to deal with them anymore.
Losing respect for someone is always such a weird thing because you dont hate the person,you just don't feel the need to ever speak to them again or think about them th the same way.you just done.
Somesay,you will see that you aren't the problem,your love is beautiful,and your intentions are pure.but you are giving your all to the wrong people and that's why it's breaking you.