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sujunda 03-26 10:24 阅读 我爱育娃
1、不要害怕你的恐惧。他们不是来吓唬你的他们会让你知道有些东西是值得的。 Don’t be afraid of your fears. They’re not there to scare you. They’re there to let you know that something is worth it. 2、给予


Don’t be afraid of your fears. They’re not there to scare you. They’re there to let you know that something is worth it.


Give without expectations because you might not get reciprocity, because not everyone has your pure heart. But never compromise your sense of self. When you push yourself in limitless manner, that's not being selfless.



Forgive those who hurt you but never forget lessons it taught. Else you will keep getting repeated opportunities to get hurt & forgive others. That isn't healthy by any means. Being kind is great but letting others take advantage of you is choosing to suffer when you can opt out.


Don't let your past deceive you into believing that future will be as painful as the days gone by. Drop the baggage & shut that door behind you. It has nothing good for you. If you have to reminisce, don't focus on the suffering but on the lessons you learnt. You will heal.



Don't take rough patch in life as a deterrent. Stay positive & treat it as a wake up call. It's a reminder that you've settled for long in a place that is now not meant for you. Treat the setback as an opportunity to spread your wings and soar way higher than you thought possible


My goal in life right now is to be happy, genuinely, intensely and consistently happy, regardless of what that looks like to others.



Every failure gives you a chance to think. If you ponder on how life, situation & people have been unfair to you, that's one choice. If you decide to understand your role in failure, without being self-critical, that's a choice too.


If there is something you are sure of, don't wait for everyone to understand your perspective. You were never one to give up due to fears. Don't be a quitter today either. Embrace the call of your heart. Allow your enthusiasm to prevail. Believe in the power of your dreams.


Don't wait for happiness to come to you. Allow yourself to create it in this moment. All you need is to shift your focus on the little blessings today brings, amidst the storms of life. Don't keep looking for something wrong in life. Make time to celebrate little moments of joy.早安励志金句,欣赏你本来的样子,抓住梦想,努力飞翔!

