放手只要一瞬间,牵手却要很多年,无论你遇见谁,他都是你生命中该出现的人,绝非偶然。- --若无相欠,怎会相见。
It takes only a moment to let go, but it takes many years to hold hands. No matter who you meet, he is the person who should appear in your life, which is by no means accidental. --- If there is no debt, how can we meet.
Life is like this. There are not so many happy feelings, nor so many reunion after a long separation. What's more, I can't love and never start again.
Naive people don't mean they haven't seen the darkness of the world. Just because they have seen it, they know that innocence is good.
The hell you tread on is just the reflection of heaven. The story on my lips will be the ashes of time.
People will meet two people in their life, one amazing time and the other gentle years.
The beauty of time lies in its inevitable passage, spring flowers, autumn moon, summer, winter snow.
Because of the dream, so choose the distance; Because there is nothing to rely on, we must be strong.
The mountain has trees and branches. The heart pleases you. You don't know.
The more you understand your personality and needs, the less likely you are to be influenced by the outside world.
All the people or things that can make me like for a long time have the power to change me.
If you love a flower, you will accompany her to bloom, and if you love someone, you will accompany her to grow.
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