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sujunda 01-20 16:36 阅读 我爱育娃
我真的太喜欢你啦如果有以后的话我带你去吹晚风 看大海 看着日落 听着歌 然后我告诉你 我喜欢你。 I really like you so much. If I have a future, I'll take you to blow the evening wind, watch the sea, wat

我真的太喜欢你啦如果有以后的话我带你去吹晚风 看大海 看着日落 听着歌 然后我告诉你 我喜欢你。

I really like you so much. If I have a future, I'll take you to blow the evening wind, watch the sea, watch the sunset and listen to songs. Then I'll tell you I like you.


我想要我们吃饭 散步 挤公交 合影 淋雨 说拜拜 最后再加一条特别相爱.

I want us to eat, walk, squeeze the bus, take a group photo, say goodbye in the rain, and finally add a special love


喜欢花 喜欢海 喜欢日出日落 喜欢你.

Like flowers, like the sea, like sunrise and sunset, like you


I want to tell you my full feelings



Don't try to guess my mind. I send everything I like directly.

我脑袋笨 想法多 脾气不好还爱吃醋 可我说喜欢你就是喜欢你 说想你就想你 我委屈但我不想说.

I have a stupid head, many ideas, bad temper and jealous, but when I say I like you, I just like you. When I say I miss you, I miss you. I'm wronged, but I don't want to say


希望我的存在能够抵挡你的烦恼和不安我们都在长大 都在互相陪伴彼此长大 我爱你 希望这句话我能对你说好多遍.

I hope my existence can resist your troubles and uneasiness. We are all growing up and accompanying each other. I love you. I hope I can say this to you many times

我们看见对方的底牌了解彼此的阴暗然后我们依然爱 甚至更爱.

We see each other's cards, understand each other's darkness, and then we still love or even love more


我不会用爱的名义束缚你 你可以做你任何想做的事我只希望你在做任何事之前都会想起我并为我拒绝一些人和事.

I will not bind you in the name of love. You can do whatever you want. I just hope you will think of me and refuse some people and things for me before you do anything



I will read with you, and I will read with you every year


All that matters to you is romance

