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sujunda 12-05 09:36 阅读 我爱育娃
1、有个一闺蜜的生日,她有一个温馨甜蜜的生日。Once a small birthday, she had a gentle honor birthday, she has a warm warmth birthday. 2、祝我生日快乐,我的女儿永远爱你。I wish my birthday and my aut

1、有个一闺蜜的生日,她有一个温馨甜蜜的生日。Once a small birthday, she had a gentle honor birthday, she has a warm warmth birthday.

2、祝我生日快乐,我的女儿永远爱你。I wish my birthday and my autiest mother forever.

3、该来的都会来,该走的全会走,别抗拒,别挽留,别贪恋。People should go to come, and your own reunion running, don't purity to step, don't be pretended to pursue, don't pursue your greetings.

4、亲爱的自己,该努力的要有魄力,不能懒惰。Dear yourself, what you should be strong, don't be afraid of a lazy.

5、智慧与勤勉应成为你永久的伴侣。He who talents and diligence should lead be your eternal behavior.


6、没有什么远大的理想和抱负,只要天天开心快乐就好。There is nothing good ideal and dreams, as long as I make happy and happy every day.

7、十九岁,我要在时间的长河里,让风花雪月!二十二岁,我要在一间飞升!二十二岁,我要在时光的河边,慢慢地我们慢慢地起航!三十五岁,我要在人生的航程上,再接再厉,勇敢地向前。At the beginning of time, I want to wait in the sea, let the fly rise again, and then I am willing to move up again! and then I will go on the way of life!

8、你来,请允许自己走出阴影,去迎接新的挑战。You will leave your shadow, you will invite new challenges.

9、今天我的生日,我不奢望我会有多好但希望你们都会过好。Today's my birthday, I don't want to have much better, but I hope you will be good to me.

10、脚踏实地走好每一天,每一个现在,都是我们以后的记忆。Open every day, every present is the past of our future and future is the future.


11、路是自己选的,后悔的话,也只能往自己的肚子里咽。Road is their own choice. April in addition to their own shallow, and you can only stand accumulated by oneself.

12、穷时,钱不是省吃俭用,穷时,钱不是省吃俭用。When you are poor, we must be poor with money, rich with money.


