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sujunda 11-23 17:11 阅读 我爱育娃
1、为遇见你,竟花光了我所有的运气。It's 2、能和你结婚的人一定很幸福。It must be very happy with you with married. 3、红尘与弱水,相伴而行。The world is white and the weak of water, the arrival of


2、能和你结婚的人一定很幸福。It must be very happy with you with married.

3、红尘与弱水,相伴而行。The world is white and the weak of water, the arrival of me.

4、时光不老,我们不散,天不会不蓝,我不会不在。Time is not old, we are not scattered, yet will not be dull, I won't be.

5、即使我张牙舞爪,也希望在你眼里我是最好的宝贝。Even if I look up and vanquish, I hope in you are the best happiness in your eyes.

6、老来多健忘,唯不忘相思。How do I forget you when I was old.

7、您是我一生一世的红颜,我!祝您生日快乐!You are the love of my life and I wish! Happy birthday to you!

8、你的温柔无人能及,你的微笑无人能替。No one can replace you, no one can replace you.

9、承蒙时光不弃,终究又老了一岁。Thanks for time, I will never give up my birthday.

10、感谢一路有你,赠与我最爱的人。Thank you for being able to give me the most loved person.


11、如果你是哈密,那我就是瓜。If you are success, then I am peaches.

12、今年的生日愿望是,找一个疼我的男人。This year's birthday wish is, 找一个疼我的男人。

13、愿君一别永年,共饮化雨双泪。May you a happy birthday, share rain of the tears and drinking tears.

14、亲爱的,我的容颜,成就了你的笑容。My face, shape my smile, raising your smile.

15、我嫉妒你身边每一个无关紧要的人,他们就那样轻而易举,见到我朝思暮想的你。I envy everyone who does not mean a person's existence for everyone who has never seen me.

16、生活是多么的广阔,作业是多么的枯燥。More a simple life, regardless a bit more boring.

17、我爱你,愿陪你走过一世的浮华!I love you, I wish you a happy life!

18、愿你一切安好,继续加油,你值得拥有更好的。Wish you all well, continue to continue to be continuous and you.

19、我很开心,因为在我找你聊天时你会关了游戏陪我。I'm very happy, because I'm in your stage when I look to chase you with chubble.

20、爱是鲜花,爱是深沉的爱,爱是天荒地老的守候。Love is a flower, love is silent, love is early forever.



