1、宝贝,求求你就给我点阳光吧,让我也灿烂灿烂。Baby, I want to give you some sunshine to me. Let me be brilliant.
2、等到互相都没话说了,这段感情也就结束了。When I'm ready, the feelings are endless, this feeling will over.
3、七夕了,我问世间情为何物,只叫我奋不顾身去追求;我问自己你好在哪里,只叫我整日思念不停息。In the evening, the love of the earth is the forever where I pursue, which is only called I desperate to pursue; I asked myself what kind of days are, but only called me missing.
4、与你一诺相许,是我素色年华里最永恒的风景。Make a promise, is the most constant landscape in my demeanor the starry land.
5、人生太长,我想挽着你的胳膊,陪你看夕阳西下。Life is too long. I want to hold your shoulder and accompany you to watch the sunset and sunset with you to see the sunset.
6、敢表白心愿,永相伴,平安喜乐!Kunnace with mind, will always be with.
7、我这个人哦,满身阴暗,还总想着给你一点阳光。I am a person in which endless darkness, always want to give you a little sunshine.
8、对你是明目张胆,招摇过市。I am specialized with you.
9、往对方的错误,打击了你。The wrong istent the mistake you is a temper.
10、我想在每个人潮拥挤时都可以自然而然牵紧你的手,可以吗?I think there is a person who is full of standing in carries at you. Can you be careful if
11、一路上的风风雨雨,也改变不了我对你的爱。The wind and rain all the way I change, and can not change my love for you.
12、只要你敢天长,我就敢地久。As long as you dawn, I dare it for a long time. I dare it for a long time.
13、你来人间一趟,你要看看太阳,和你的心上人一起走在街上。You come to the world a wild person, you have to see the sun and your heart become in the street.
14、我们都在大大的绝望里小小地努力,那种不想放弃的心情变成无边黑暗宇宙的小小星辰。We are all eager and dare, that kind of things that do not want to let go.
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