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sujunda 09-05 18:50 阅读 我爱育娃
一,成年人的世界总在下雨 我想成为那个为你撑伞的人。 It always rains in the adult world. I want to be the one who holds an umbrella for you. 二,性格很奇怪,有时候超爱说话有时候可以一天不说话高

一,成年人的世界总在下雨 我想成为那个为你撑伞的人。

It always rains in the adult world. I want to be the one who holds an umbrella for you.


My personality is very strange. Sometimes I love talking. Sometimes I can talk desperately when I am happy. When I am unhappy, I don't say a word. But I still remember clearly who is good to me and who is bad to me.


三,你说这个城市大吧 去哪都能碰见熟人 你说这个城市小吧 想见的人却再也没见过。

You say this city is big, you can meet acquaintances everywhere, and you say this city is small, and the people you want to meet are never seen again.

四,没有谁的生活会一直完美 但无论什么时候都要看着远方 满怀希望就会所向披靡。

No one's life will always be perfect, but whenever you look at the distance with hope, you will be invincible.


五,太温柔的人永远得不到爱 就像懂事的孩子 永远讨不到糖吃 被爱的人总是有恃无恐。

People who are too gentle can never get love, just like sensible children can never get sugar. People who are loved always have nothing to fear

六,我很在意你跟异性聊天的语气 我很在意你每天的快手和朋友圈动态 我很在意你的早安和晚安 我很在意我在你眼中是什么样的 其实我很在意 你在快手和朋友圈里对所有异性的评论。

I care about the tone of your chat with the opposite sex. I care about your daily Aauto Quicker and friends circle. I care about your good morning and good night. I care about what I look like in your eyes. In fact, I care about your comments on all the opposite sex in Aauto Quicker and friends circle.



I hope my husband can choose to protect the children when I am bleeding heavily. Th

八,关于“缺点” 有些愿意拉着你改. 也有些人 愿意陪着你逃。

About "shortcomings", some people are willing to pull you to change. Others are willing to escape with you.


A relationship ends when you stop taking the initiative. It's like I didn't send you good morning today. We wouldn't talk.


十,偏爱 就是你收到两条信息 能毫不犹豫的先回我。

Preference is that you can return to me first without hesitation when you receive two messages

十一,爱一个不爱你的人就像抱着一盆仙人掌 你抱有多紧你就会感到多疼。

Loving someone who doesn't love you is like holding a cactus. How tight you hold it will make you feel pain.


十二,后来我才明白 很多事情说再多都没有用了 就像你拿着一杯热水虽然很渴但是很烫还是会放下。

Later, I realized that it is useless to say many things, just like holding a cup of hot water, although it is thirsty, it will still be put down.


Poor in the downtown, no one cares, rich in the mountains, everyone clings to relatives



Endless work, not enough sleep, wallet that can't feed fat, mink that can't afford. I earned 200 million yuan in my half life, one memory loss and one memory


In a very realistic sentence, you have to have enough strength, and your principles and bottom line will be respected

