If you miss something or lose something, you will never be able to make it up. The more you make it up, the more disappointed you are. It's better to accept the reality and completely put them down in your heart. Instead, you can get a new life.
放弃很可惜 但是有些事 坚持本就没有意义
It's a pity to give up, but it's meaningless to insist on some things
It turns out that one night can really digest a lot of things
Losing the desire to share is the beginning of the end
The things and people are always afraid that they will be robbed by others. Even though they know they won't lose them, they still can't resist temptation
You just had a heartbeat, and you didn't choose me firmly
其实很多关系 不用风吹就散了.
In fact, a lot of relationships are gone without wind
年年遇人 人遇去去 遇遇至散散.
Every year we meet each other, and we meet each other until we disperse
我真的很介意 别人答应我的事没有做到 其实这件事本身并不重要了 重要的是 你答应了我.
I really mind if others don't do what they promised me. In fact, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that you promised me
我没有怪你的意思 我就是觉得特别没劲 包括那些我费尽心思对你好的瞬间都显得特别没劲
I don't blame you. I just feel very boring, including those moments when I try my best to be nice to you
The most humble word in the world should be: nbylkw
Sure enough, the ambiguous stage is sweeter than falling in love
我好讨厌他 他不注意细节不秒回信息 总和我吵架 不会在意我的感受 害我生气掉眼泪 可我每次擦干了眼泪 还总想继续爱他.
I hate him very much. He doesn't pay attention to details and doesn't answer messages every second. He always quarrels with me and doesn't care about my feelings, which makes me angry and tears. But every time I dry my tears, I always want to continue to love him
- 上一篇:无比现实的情绪文案句子(那些现实的走心文案)
- 下一篇:没有了