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sujunda 08-20 12:58 阅读 我爱育娃
你呀,次次心软 次次后悔 次次失望 次次不改 次次被敷衍 次次不长记性 You ah, every time you feel soft, every time you regret, every time you are disappointed, every time you don't change, every time you are perfun

你呀,次次心软 次次后悔 次次失望 次次不改 次次被敷衍 次次不长记性

You ah, every time you feel soft, every time you regret, every time you are disappointed, every time you don't change, every time you are perfunctory, every time you don't remember


If you can't reach the sugar, don't hurt your hands



I'm a passionate person. I don't want to find a partner to live with. I want to find someone whose eyes will shine after drinking and tell me about romance and love.


I am very tired and tired. I also want to find someone to complain, but I know that some people can't find, some people can't say, some words can't be said, and some things can only be undertaken by myself.



There is grievance, very grievance, with whom, no one listen.

好难过 明明在意的要死

I'm so sad that I'm going to die



Will be sad, will think, will be disappointed, but will not ask, will not say

我并没有因为我的懂事而过的更好反而因为我的懂事看开了很多事受了很多苦 .

I didn't live better because of my sensible, but because my sensible saw a lot of things and suffered a lot


仔细想一想 我长得不出众 不高 不阳光 学习不好 脏话连篇 多疑敏感 喜怒无常 怎么可能会有人无条件站在我这边

Think about it carefully, I am not outstanding, not tall, not sunny, not good at learning, swearing, suspicious, sensitive and moody, how can someone unconditionally stand on my side

与我以后话少一点 不会什么都跟朋友说了 你不要烦 我会变乖 我会变懂事 不会再要安全感了

After talking less with me, I won't tell my friends everything. You don't bother me, I will become good, I will become sensible, and I won't feel safe any more



If it's really so easy to give up, who will choose the humble entanglement? Everyone knows the truth, but how can people who have really loved let go easily?

次次说 次次求 次次不改

Time after time, time after time, time after time, time after time


装直男是省力 但是她会多难过你知道吗?

It's easy to be straight, but how sad will she be, you know?

我连生气都会笑场 崩溃都会考虑别人的感受 聊天的时候表情包都会挑半天 生怕说错话让对方感到不不舒服 可我的懂事并没有让我好过一些

I even get angry, laugh, collapse, and think about other people's feelings. When chatting, I always choose facial expression bags. I'm naturally afraid of saying the wrong thing and making the other person feel uncomfortable, but my understanding doesn't make me feel better

