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sujunda 08-17 11:08 阅读 我爱育娃
1.“你看啊,黄昏下的天空很美,凛冬过后,一定会春暖花开,捱过悲伤泪流,来日笑容绽放,或许未来遥远,等待漫长,但希望和曙光就在前方为你守候” "You see, the sky at dusk is very


"You see, the sky at dusk is very beautiful. After the winter, it will bloom in spring, endure the sad tears, and smile in the future. Maybe the future is far away and the waiting is long, but hope and dawn are waiting for you."


Even though she wears a common ponytail, I know she is not ordinary because she is my girl



"After all, Mount Fuji can't keep the cherry blossoms falling quietly. It makes us accept the meaning of the passing away, which is to keep the expectation for the next winter."

4.“春天为相遇铺垫 ,夏天将暗恋变成热恋 ,秋天一起吹风踩落叶 ,冬天堆雪人看烟花 关于你的都很美好阿”

Spring paves the way for meeting. In summer, it turns secret love into passionate love. In autumn, we blow and step on fallen leaves. In winter, we make snowmen and watch fireworks. All about you are very beautiful



It's OK. How are you here? It's OK. I'll be used to you all the time. I'll always be partial to you, because I love you and believe in you

6.秋天真好啊 穿宽大的卫衣 喝热乎乎的奶茶 从街边小贩手里买上一斤糖炒栗子 踩着枯黄的落叶 看落日余晖 吹温柔晚风

It's so good to wear a wide sweater and drink hot milk tea. I bought a jin of sugar fried chestnuts from the street vendor. I stepped on the yellow leaves to watch the sunset and blow the gentle evening wind



I'm sorry, that day should not meet with you, should not use rhetoric to deceive you, so there will not be so many things, I will not miss insomnia all night

8.不必纠结当下 也不必太担忧未来 人生没有无用的经历 所以我们一直走 天一定会亮。

There's no need to worry about the present or worry about the future. There's no useless experience in life, so we've been walking. It's bound to be bright.

