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sujunda 08-17 10:15 阅读 我爱育娃
“我们都期待能听到喜欢的人给予的回应,与其把时间消磨一个听不见你声音的人身上,不如把那些甜言蜜语说过懂的人听” We all expect to hear the response from the people we like. Instead of spe


We all expect to hear the response from the people we like. Instead of spending time with someone who can't hear your voice, we'd better listen to those who know what they say.


“应该要自信的呀,宇宙这么大,太阳系这么大每个人都是落在地球上的星星,是独一无二的,精心挑选的 有特殊任务的,不要辜负每一颗星星的愿望”

"You should be confident. The universe is so big and the solar system is so big. Everyone is a star that falls on the earth. It is unique. It is carefully selected and has special tasks. Don't let down the wishes of every star."




"Waking up every day is a new starting point. Every day's sunshine will be warm. The years of running around are all coming and going. Under the eaves of the earth, days are always on the road. Every beginning and end of life is enriching our life experience."


长安有故里 故里归长安

现在我叫长安 你叫故里

长安尽头无故里 故里从此别长安”

"In the past, my name was Chang'an, you called your hometown Chang'an, and now I am Chang'an. You call me hometown Chang'an. There is no hometown at the end of Chang'an. My hometown will never leave Chang'an."


“原来生活就是每天都用小事来告诉我 别期待了,既然七月没有幸运,八月也不会有幸运降临 想去实现什么还是去努力吧”

"Life is to tell me not to look forward to it every day. Since there is no luck in July, there will be no luck in August. If you want to achieve something, you should try your best."

