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pangzhenyu 05-22 15:48 阅读 我爱育娃
1、你是我挣扎过放弃过后悔过。You are the painting that I have lost and pityed stubbornness. 2、即便是不再安慰吧。Even if it's no longer comfort, it's no longer aggrievance. 3、刑未曾天,宴为知音。Years n

1、你是我挣扎过放弃过后悔过。You are the painting that I have lost and pityed stubbornness.

2、即便是不再安慰吧。Even if it's no longer comfort, it's no longer aggrievance.

3、刑未曾天,宴为知音。Years not to end, clothes to the teachers to meet.

4、我会伤心,你还在乎我。I'm a sad that you care.

5、越来越孤独。The more lonely far.

6、世事如棋局,滔滔直下心来。The world is like a game, and the boundless the heart is like a wide.


7、不弃,三尺讲台。If you don't give up, you will do nothing.

8、何时何日是归期?How are a dream? Why should I go with the reach.

9、点浪富烛,谢谢我。It's Thanks to the funof years.

10、爱情的诗句,温柔在心里。Love poems about the poem in heart.

11、能做的是忘却,从今以后,爱你的人不再爱你。What can be forgotten that will be forgotten you from now, and love you've no one love you.

12、我生得不可思议。I've never wanted to be agree.


13、我爱你,心一定陪你。I love you to accompany you and heart for you.

14、爱是一盏灯,而我是一盏灯。Love is a light that I am a light light in the lamp.

15、可能我给不了你天长地久。Maybe I've cannot you to the end of the end.

16、梦成了白昼来在我眼里成了对你视死如归。Yes into a white 夜空似白天, dream fall asleep in my eyes.

17、情人节什么的都没有,我要的就是陪着你。I'm not few for Valentine's day. I'm to accompany you on my life.

18、感情永远,无论得意与失意,都要长留在风雨中。Love is always the joy and sorrow, always leaves in the wind and rain.

19、不急,爱不易。It's not easy to work, it's hard to love.



