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pangzhenyu 06-01 16:32 阅读 我爱育娃
Preface: The power of a gaze can never be underestimated. It has the power to make someone feel loved, appreciated, and seen. But it can also cause someone to feel judged, ashamed, and small. The following is a story of a man who experience



The power of a gaze can never be underestimated. It has the power to make someone feel loved, appreciated, and seen. But it can also cause someone to feel judged, ashamed, and small. The following is a story of a man who experienced both the positive and negative effects of a gaze.John was a successful lawyer who had built his reputation on winning cases no matter the cost. He was ruthless in the courtroom and didn't care who he hurt as long as he won. But behind his cold exterior, John was a man haunted by his past mistakes.One day, John received a call from an old friend who he hadn't spoken to in years. His friend was in trouble and needed legal representation. John agreed to take the case, not out of kindness, but because he saw it as an opportunity to advance his career.

When John arrived at the prison to meet with his friend, he was shocked to see how much he had deteriorated. His friend was thin, pale and looked like he had given up on life. As they talked about the case, John couldn't help but notice how his friend's eyes kept avoiding his gaze.John's friend was accused of embezzlement, a crime he had committed out of desperation to pay for his sick daughter's medical bills. John knew that he could easily win the case, but he also knew that it would mean ruining his friend's life.As John left the prison that day, he couldn't shake off the guilt he felt for even considering taking the case. He knew that he had become everything he had sworn not to be when he first became a lawyer.That night, John couldn't sleep. He kept thinking about his friend and the terrible situation he was in. He also thought about his own life and the choices he had made.


The next day, John went to see his friend again. This time, he sat across from him and looked him straight in the eyes. The gaze that passed between them was intense and raw. John knew then that he had to do the right thing, no matter the cost.John resigned from the case and helped his friend find a pro-bono lawyer who would fight for him. It was a small act of kindness, but for John, it was a step in the right direction towards redemption.As the days went by, John found himself thinking more and more about the power of a gaze. He realized that he had been using his gaze as a weapon to intimidate and bully others. But now, he wanted to use it to connect with people and make them feel seen.John started to pay attention to the way he looked at people. He made an effort to really listen to them when they spoke and to make eye contact. He noticed that people responded positively to his gaze, and he felt a sense of joy and fulfillment that he had never felt before.

One day, John was walking down the street when he saw a homeless man sitting on the sidewalk. The man looked up at him, and their gazes met. John didn't look away this time, but instead, he smiled at the man.To his surprise, the man smiled back at him. It was a small moment of connection, but it meant everything to John. He realized that his gaze could be a powerful tool for good.But there were still times when John struggled with his old habits. One day, he found himself in a meeting with a difficult client who was trying to bully him into making a decision that he knew was unethical.As the client spoke, John felt his old anger and aggression rising up inside him. He could feel his gaze becoming harder and more judgmental. But then, he caught himself and took a deep breath.

John looked the client straight in the eyes and spoke with kindness and compassion. He didn't back down or compromise his values, but he also didn't resort to aggression or intimidation.To his surprise, the client responded positively to John's gaze. He seemed to soften and become more reasonable. John left the meeting feeling proud of himself for handling the situation with grace and dignity.Months passed, and John continued to practice his new way of looking at people. He found that he was attracting more positive energy into his life and that he was beginning to forgive himself for his past mistakes.Then one day, John received a letter from his friend who he had helped months before. The letter was filled with gratitude and love, and it brought tears to John's eyes.


As he read the letter, John realized that his friend's gaze had been a catalyst for change in his life. It had awakened something in him that had been dormant for years.John wrote back to his friend and thanked him for reminding him of the power of a gaze. He promised to continue using his gaze for good and to never forget the lessons he had learned.Years passed, and John became known as one of the most compassionate and kind lawyers in his city. He had given up the aggressive tactics that had once defined him, and instead, he relied on the power of his gaze to win over juries and judges.John never forgot the lesson he had learned from his friend and the power of a gaze. He knew that it had the power to change lives, and he was grateful for the opportunity to use it for good.

