It’s hard to see when your windshield is dirty. Make sure nothing is getting in the way of you seeing clearly. Clarity and success go together.
Watching someone else go for their dreams can be incredibly upsetting to someone who's spent a lifetime justifying why they themselves can't.
There is no orderly path to success. It's messy, it's chaotic, it's uncertain. Nothing great comes easily. Stay on it. You are going to get there.
What makes you lucky: vision self-sacrifice discipline dedication commitment to goals hard work long hours faith never giving up.
When you feel wronged, when you are crying, when you are wallowing in your suffering, it's a reminder to express gratitude.
No matter what happens, take responsibility for making your decisions well instead of complaining about things beyond your control.
Our source of discontent often is the exaggerated idea we have of how happy others are. Don’t waste your time and energy comparing yourself with others. Invest that effort in being better than you were yesterday.
Don’t fall asleep until you have reminded yourself of at least one thing that happened today you are grateful for.
Success starts when you stop thinking and start doing.