A single negative emotion of blame or anger can interfere with your peace of mind indefinitely.Forgive people who treated you unfairly, and move on, banishing them from your life forever.
Old rule in the field of time management is that you should do the most important task first. Staying at the most important task until its completion is the single most useful thing when it comes to the goal achieving.Practice this for better results.
Weed out from your mind the idea that yesterday's pattern must be tomorrow's. This is not reality.Your present circumstances can't determine that much where or how far you can go in life. They only determine where you're starting.And the ending is what matters.
Happiness can be defined as a progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.It's not just the accomplishment of a big goal that makes you happy, but a journey toward it as well.Seeing yourself grow is an unmatched experience when it comes to satisfaction.
Success is constituted of many factors, but probably the most important of them all is one's own resolution to succeed.Never underestimate the power of a human will. Time after time it has triumphed against seemingly insurmountable odds.
The true reward for achieving your goals isn't what you get but what you become.Having more skills, acquiring healthy habits, and improving your character...no ammount of material goods can match such power, for those things no one can take away from you.
Resist the temptation to wish things were better. Only by knowing what's really going around you will you be able to make change.Fearlessly accept circumstances as they are.Work with what life gives you in the moment, fantasy is not an option.
The defining characteristic of intelligence is the ability to focus attention on important things.You can be the most talented person in the world but if you don't differentiate things between vital few and trivial many you won't feel the taste of power.
The most important work that you do is thinking.The quality of your thinking largely determines the quality of your life.Always then keep your mind full of exciting pictures of your accomplished goals. Your vision is a promise of what you'll one day become.