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sujunda 01-20 14:12 阅读 我爱育娃
初二和高二是好多人爱情的开始 The second day of junior high school and the second year of senior high school are the beginning of many people's love 班主任一句没有骗我们的话:毕业以后很多人真的很难再见到


The second day of junior high school and the second year of senior high school are the beginning of many people's love


The head teacher didn't lie to us: it's really hard to see many people after graduation.



"It's winter, and you're still obsessed with the cicadas in midsummer."


"After graduation, you still want to move so and so."


I hope he will always be sunny and energetic, wearing a blue school uniform and leaning against the sunny corridor of high school



As like as two peas, what do you love?

为了看你一眼 我总是会拉着朋友出门 不是为了出去只是为了看你一眼

In order to see you, I always take my friends out, not to go out, just to see you


The sunset at school is very beautiful. I'm not allowed to bring my mobile phone, but my memory is bad. He's the only one with the rest of my brain capacity


The most grand secret of my youth is wrapped in my school uniform


"Youth is what horses meet and miss without stopping"



"Hey, don't walk so fast. Didn't you see him in the back?"


I can't forget that PE class. He threw the school uniform to me nearest to him. And smiled at me and said take it for me


"In fact, I listen carefully when others mention you."


How many stories start at the corner of the stairs


After class for ten minutes, as long as I look at each other, I can be excited for a whole class


The people I met in junior middle school should be the most unforgettable in my life. They are neither naive in primary school nor mature in high school.



"I passed you without expression, and then turned back where you couldn't see."

夏天就是阳光 迟到 操场 白衬衫 背影 偷瞄 教室 下课 对视 躲闪 心动 暗恋 打球 黄昏.

In summer, the sun is late for the playground. The back of a white shirt peeks at the classroom after class. They look at each other and dodge their hearts. They secretly love playing at dusk


Once walked around the whole campus just to see you.


"Looking at the second floor again"? "Yes, he's out of this class."


It turns out that many people's stories start from the second day of junior high school



Go to the shop? I just saw him go too; Where is he? Then go


He said that if someone chased you in the future, you would give me my name

他跟班里的女生聊不来 唯独上课喜欢跟我疯 有一次跟一个女生换位 他趴在桌子上趴了一节课.

He can't talk to the girls in his class, but he likes to be crazy with me in class. Once he changed places with a girl. He lay on the table for a class

