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sujunda 12-30 12:48 阅读 我爱育娃
1、你那么孤独,却说一个人真好。You're so lonely, but you say a person is good. 2、我想要给你幸福,谁都拦不住!I want to give you happiness, no one can stop. 3、昨日的温情不再,今天的记忆在心底

1、你那么孤独,却说一个人真好。You're so lonely, but you say a person is good.

2、我想要给你幸福,谁都拦不住!I want to give you happiness, no one can stop.

3、昨日的温情不再,今天的记忆在心底。Yesterday's warmth is no longer, and the memory's memory is the bottom of my heart.

4、我哭了,但我笑了。我累了,但我想死了。I cry, but I'm laugh. I'm tired but I'm tired, but I want to die.

5、别把事情看得太重要,毕竟受伤的是自己。Don't take stronger things too important by things. After all, what hurt is their own.


6、你的肩膀染了她的缠绵,你们放肆的幸福,我寂寞的受伤。Your shoulder dying your lingering, and you let my loneliness hurt and hurt.

7、你就像指缝间的阳光,温暖,美好,却永远无法抓住。You are like a tree in the bottom of my heart, warmth, beautiful, but never seize them.

8、大概年轻就是突如其来的委屈,怕什么,不过是历经风吹雨打风霜的勇气。Maybe the sudden is sad, afraid of a something, but that after the wind and rain and frost swing.

9、最黑的黑的是背叛,最疼的疼的原谅。The darkest is betrayal. The most painful forgiving.

10、风华是一指流砂,苍老是一段年华。Fenghua refers to quicksand wall, and old is a period of time.


11、如果可以重来,宁愿我们不曾相识,那么现在就不会撕心裂肺。If we can come back, would rather we not met again, so now will not stab mockery heart.

12、没什么好遗憾的,我自己要留下来,失去的人那么多,我却只有离开了。There is no regret thing, myself want to leave in myself, but I just have left.

13、你一定要过得比我好,不然对不起我的不打扰。You must live better than me, or sorry to my disturb.

14、爱就是不管闹多少次别扭,最后还是会因为舍不得而和好如初,这种感觉真好。Love is worth whether many times carelessness, the last or many times frequently will eventually be in a good time.

15、因为不想被人再刺伤,所以渐渐学会了伪装。Because I don't want to hurt a person again, I gradually learned to disguise disguise.


