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pangzhenyu 05-27 16:48 阅读 我爱育娃
1、沉默不是麻木了,其实,沉默并没有一点伤痛。Silence is not indifference, but silence, silence has not suffered. 2、在遇到你之前,我没有走坏的路。At the face of meeting you, I didn't go the bad ro

1、沉默不是麻木了,其实,沉默并没有一点伤痛。Silence is not indifference, but silence, silence has not suffered.

2、在遇到你之前,我没有走坏的路。At the face of meeting you, I didn't go the bad road to the sorrow.

3、命运不渡你,天地不渡你,江海不渡你,我渡。The fate of fate does not cross you, the mountain does not cross you, the sea does not cross you, I crossed.

4、总有些人,安然而来,静静守候,不离不弃;也有些人,浓烈如酒,疯狂似醉,却是醒来无处觅;无数的相遇,无数的别离,愿你来去之间,将真爱寻觅。There are always some people, quietly secretly, stubbornly feeling, unless long leaving. Although there is some people, it will come true and dream. A lot of separation, let flowers are seen and dreams.

5、记住,咱们的关系,别因为时间和距离而变淡了。Remember, our relationship, don't because the distance and turns.

6、不必迁就别人就委屈自己,人这辈子没必要去讨好任何人。Don't argue others because it is bad, others are not pleasant to denyone to anyone.


7、好笑的是,时间一天天过,好像什么也没改变,但当你回头看,每件事都变了。It's time to laugh at one time, it's as smile at an end. What a good life is not change, but when you look back, everything change is in the mind.

8、我的心,锁住了,是一切,伤痕累累。My heart and abandons, is the pain, scarped.

9、不如就利用孤单一人的时间,使自己变得更优秀,给来的人一个惊喜,也给自己一个好的交代。It's better to use loneliness for a long time period of loneliness. Forgive someone you can be better to be a wise.


