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pangzhenyu 05-26 13:32 阅读 我爱育娃
1、我可以走一万步去见你,也愿意退一万零一步离开你。I can go a thousand steps to see you. I can go a thousand steps of departure one step back to you. 2、愿你自强到无需有人宠有人惯,却依然幸运到有

1、我可以走一万步去见你,也愿意退一万零一步离开你。I can go a thousand steps to see you. I can go a thousand steps of departure one step back to you.

2、愿你自强到无需有人宠有人惯,却依然幸运到有人宠有人惯。May you be strong to be a person you hobserved, but also lucky to someone to love someone else.

3、当人在崇拜你的时候,你应该从死神手中惯出来,去追随他们。When people envy your head, you should be first with him to follow him as a hint.

4、我从未变过,只是学会了伪装。I haven't been changed, but I can't camouflage.

5、与其把时间花费在遗憾和淡淡的忧伤上,不如全心全力走好已经选择的路。It's better to use time to reason to crazy. It's better to walk the least wind and do with light and heart to choose the road.

6、凡事不要想的太复杂,手握的太紧,东西会碎,手会疼。Don't think too thurough, things will broken, hands will hurt. If you handsome, it will hurt, hands will hurt.


7、女孩们最难熬的日子,是自己好好生活的时候。The most difficult day is that they are worked hard enough life.

8、不要皱眉,即便你非常努力,还是有人因为你的脑海里还会闪现潮湿的阳光。Don't frown without frown, even if you are still working hard at that time will be shining from others in the sun of the dust.

9、没有在一起的,就是不对的人,对的人,你是不会失去他的。Without the right, is not right, right person, you will not lose him.

10、不管生活多么艰辛,你要把它当成一场梦,因为,梦是会醒的。No matter how hard life is, you should make it a wonderful dream or later, because you will a dream after a dream.


