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pangzhenyu 05-24 14:16 阅读 我爱育娃
1、爱上一个人,没有什么可以代替。There is nothing to be a person, there is nothing to be qualified. 2、有一颗女人,不需要很热闹,很安静。There are an woman who women needs very common, need very crowd.

1、爱上一个人,没有什么可以代替。There is nothing to be a person, there is nothing to be qualified.

2、有一颗女人,不需要很热闹,很安静。There are an woman who women needs very common, need very crowd.

3、在你不再完美时,最开始离弃你。When you don't be perfect when you are no perfect losses, when you sentence at will.

4、终有一天,当你发现再也爱不到的时候,现实已经远去。One day, when you find the initiative has nothing to love, reality has far away.

5、我们渴望快乐,但能够无处不在。We read happiness, but we can be no longer invisible.

6、没必要刻意遇见谁,也不急于拥有谁,更不勉强留住谁。There is no need to experience who has no need to meet, and I don't want to stay in.


7、有喜有悲才是人生,有苦有甜才是生活。Only when you have a sad thing to meet is life and sweet life is to learn to happiness.

8、我不愿意向你认错,因为我没有错。I don't want to treat you an indifference, because I didn't treat you.

9、如果能重来,相信你还在没有回来。If you can come, it's still no 回来。

10、寂寞的人总是会用心的记住他生命中出现过的每一个人,于是我总是意犹未尽地想起你在每个星光陨落的晚上一遍一遍数我的寂寞。Lonely people always remember the common every person in life everyone is kind of memory in everyone who is in full night.

11、熬过那段难熬的日子,所有人都在等你。I've been through the past all the days and people are waiting for you.

12、心真多,人诚爱,与人动人。More heart, the beauty of people love and peaceful and human.


13、也许我不能彻夜难眠,但我可以柔情似水。Maybe I can't sleep in night, but I can't feel like season.


