1、让我为之骄傲,为之无知。Let me for it.
2、春雨如丝、如雾、如潮。Spring is like 丝、如烟、如潮。Spring is like a 丝 丝, like a 丝 丝的. like the silk and smooth feet.
3、春天来了,春天也不远了。Spring comes, spring is long.
4、一个个花骨朵、一棵棵杨树立在春风里。A little flower girl, a big tree trees were blooming.
5、春风化雨潜入人间,滋润着万物。Spring breeze into the world, moisten and moisten.
6、清风和你,是春天里最温馨的故事。The wind and rain brings you the most warm stories.
7、来到田野,农民伯伯用辛勤的汗水浇灌了麦苗。In the fields of landing, sweat grass by the fields of trees.
8、春风里,暖洋洋的阳光普照着大地,到处都是生机勃勃。In the spring wind, we are all full of vitality.
9、春风欢快地离开,春雨又接着亮相了。Spring elused to leave and spring should finished it.
10、杨树早已经长成了小树,松树它美,早晨起床不停地叫着。The trees are good to become a grass, and the sun is good to open up to the morning.
11、春的胸怀,就像写稻城,一片金黄。Spring has beautiful, like the trees of golden CIsheng, a harumn colorful.
12、不知丽日芳草长,春雨润草木湿秋千。I don't know how fresh is, I wish the rain is rain for heaven and raining for ten thousand trees of years.
13、黄沙了,沙岗红,花冉冉,衰草荒。Sandalwood and white, there are beans to red, so ridiculous with grass.
14、含着春天的气息的风,带着绵绵的细雨,滋润着禾苗的绿茵。Embrace season of the spring wind, moisten plants, moisten breeze smiling, green green mountains.