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pangzhenyu 05-17 17:16 阅读 我爱育娃
1、不要去做一个被别人忽略的人,也不要去做一个被别人议论的人。Don't be ignored by what for other person's arrel, and don't be a person's comes by what others's judging. 2、我喜欢你很久了,但是有时有

1、不要去做一个被别人忽略的人,也不要去做一个被别人议论的人。Don't be ignored by what for other person's arrel, and don't be a person's comes by what others's judging.

2、我喜欢你很久了,但是有时有时深情也挺难忘。I like you very long, but sometimes a little affections is also a great love also unforgettable.

3、最讨厌的是,在我努力试着放下的时候,你又出现在我面前。What ateiate is, when you try to put down, you appear for me down in front of me.

4、所有的东西都迫不及待地来,只有一个,一个。All things are angry and only one.

5、小女子不才,没能与先生谈笑风生,所有爱慕之意,尽在一句晚安之中。Xiaoy son's sono not talent is not talent, only one who loves enough first. I am here all the first lovers, empty like late.

6、爱需要双方创造,没有爱就没有爱。There is love needs to create, there is no love.


7、给我一双手,我就牵着你的手。Give me a hand, I holding your hand.

8、想得少一点,爱情就容易得多。If you want to get more, love will be easy to be.

9、于是人总是变得习惯伤感,原以为回头你都会痊愈。It's always becoming to sad at a loss and forget you would sad.

10、我不和你对视,我怕,因为你眼里的眼屎我昨天看见过了。I don't sleep with you, I'm afraid that the eye in my eyes.

11、人越往上走,心应该越能往下沉,心里踏实了,脚下的路才能走得安稳。The closer must go and the heart should be clear when you head will go and the road of your heart will turn down your feet and step on your eyes.

12、生命需要自己去经历,而不是被他人所知!Life needs to experience life, not by others at others for each other.



